Supporting you to achieve learning outcomes for your student.
The world of student services in our schools is complicated. Federal laws intersect with local regulations, district policies, and parent and student rights. These factors can create a perplexing landscape hard to navigate as you work to connect your child to the services they need to thrive.
Perhaps you would like someone with you who knows that terrain, inside and out.
Jenn Fox-Thomas has experienced schools from the inside as a Special Education teacher, a general education teacher, a Special Education Coordinator, and as an administrator in all things “Student Support Services.” She has also experienced schools from the outside as the parent of awesome children with special needs. And, most importantly, as an Educational Advocate supporting families from all walks of life. Jenn uses insight from all four perspectives (teacher, school administrator, parent, and advocate) to identify focused strategies designed to connect your child to the resources they need.
Whether you wish a simple consultation or full representation, we offer services on a continuum. You can determine the amount and cost of services that are right for you. And the first consultation is FREE.
Together we are “strategic like a fox!”
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